We take you back to the Atelier, Real Food Restaurant in the Ritz Carlton Istanbul for part three of our three part series. Today we feature an Organic Chicken Blanquette, with Black Trumpet Mushrooms. We start with a butter and flour combo which will serve as the base of our Blanquette. next we add chicken and vegetable broth to the butter and flour, and an egg yolk and lemon juice. After whisking and thoroughly mixing, we add our chicken to the blanquette. Next we heat up some fresh black trumpet mushroooms, and saute them in some butter. The dish is served over orzo cooked in chicken stock.
Ritz Carlton Cooking Part 3 from QualitaTurkey on Vimeo.
We take you back to the Atelier, Real Food Restaurant in the Ritz Carlton Istanbul for part three of our three part series. Today we feature an Organic Chicken Blanquette, with Black Trumpet Mushrooms. We start with a butter and flour combo which will serve as the base of our Blanquette. next we add chicken and vegetable broth to the butter and flour, and an egg yolk and lemon juice. After whisking and thoroughly mixing, we add our chicken to the blanquette. Next we heat up some fresh black trumpet mushroooms, and saute them in some butter. The dish is served over orzo cooked in chicken stock.
Baby Leek
Chicken Stock
Egg Yolk
Black Trumpet Mushrooms
Put the Chicken, Carrots, Celery, Baby Leek, Clove, Nutmeg, Salt, Pepper, Bayleaf, and Thyme in a pot over heat with Chicken Stock. Let sit unitl Chicken is cooked through.
Melt a few peices of butter in a pot, be careful not to let the butter brown. Add flour, and mix well. Once the Chicken is cooked in the broth, put on low heat, and set aside. Pour the broth from the chicken into the pot with the butter and flour and mix. In a separate bowl, combine an Egg Yolk and the juice from half a Lemon, and mix. Add this to the broth and flour. Mix well. Add the chicken to the mixture and remove from heat.
Combine your Orzo (Basmati rice works as a substitute) with chicken stock and cook.
In a new pan, melt some piece of butter, careful not to burn them. Add the Black Trumpet Mushrooms and cook lightly, only to evaporate the moisture.
Once the Orzo and Mushrooms are finished, put the Orzo on a plate, and top with the chicken pieces. Add the vegetables from the broth. Top with the Black Trumpet Mushrooms and coat/drizzle the remaining sauce.